Did you know that inhaling toxic air takes away at least 1-2 years of a normal human lifespan? The majority of the American population has probably heard of the issue of air pollution. Unfortunately, nobody has really acknowledged this topic for the past few years. Sooner or later, unhealthy air quality is going to become a huge problem in our society. It is better to prevent a problem than to find a solution to the problem. We can start by investing in a cleaner, more environment-friendly source of energy. America should invest in cleaner forms of energy because unhealthy forms of energy can cause health issues to the American population and it is especially damaging to the homes of the less privleged.
Air-polluting forms of energy can cause health issues like: asthma, bronchitis, lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease, and more. Think of all the innocent children who do not have the luxury of living in a house that runs on clean energy that have to breathe in this toxic air. More than 90 percent of the American population breathe toxic air everyday. Imagine the damage that is going on in our bodies every second that we breathe this air. It is slowly killing us and we must find a way to end it before it's too late. In an article by the World Health Organization, a study says,” 1 in 8 deaths are linked to air pollution.” (Whitacre, par. 1) Look at the number of people that are dying all because of our selfishness and ignorance. Investing in a new source of energy might be expensive but that should not stop us from saving the lives of millions of people. The biggest source of air pollution is... you guessed it, transportation. The amount of exhaust that vehicles release on a daily basis is sickening.
My goal is to shed light on the increased levels of air pollution that exists in poor communities. People who are of a different economic status should not have to suffer because of the greed of the world. Everyone should have access to clean, healthy air. It should not be a privlege or a luxury to have access to fresh breathing air. It is a natural human right and we must put our hands together to make a change for the better.