New York, NY

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Needs Assessment

Before deciding on a system I needed to evalute my space.

Is there enough sunlight?
I can set it up near a window to maximize natural lighting.

How about when it's night time? or winter?
I can add grow lights!

Do I have a water source nearby?
My kitchen is my only source.

Are critters going to get in?
Most definitely, they live in nyc rent free.

How can I prevent them from infiltrating my system?
I can use a grow tent. Now to find a space...


The "wicking" method, also called "the training wheels of the hydroponic world," is the most beginner friendly hydroponic system. In this system, capillary action, the mechanism which allows towels to draw liquid from the surface, carries the nutritient solution to the root area of the plant.

In other words, you know when you accidently sit on a wet surface and your clothes get wet? Depending on the cloth, it doesn't stay wet in one place. Often times it spreads. If it's enough water and absorbing fabric, it spreads up. In this case, the water you sat on is the nutrient solution. Your clothes are the wick. The spreading is capillary action, taking the nutrients up to your root zone (wherever that may be).

Deep Water Culture (DWC)

Deep Water Culture is a system in which the plant roots are submerged in a nutrient solution while being aerated via an air pump. A porous air stone creates pockets of air through the pores, so more pockets of air circulating means more oxygen.

Nutrient Film Technique (NFT)

Similar to the Ebb and Flow method, NFT uses water pumps to deliver nutrients to plants. However, NFT is constantly flowing with two main components: the grow tray (or channel) and the reservoir that contains water and nutrients.

Ebb & Flow

Ebb and Flow, also known as "Flood and Drain," is a more common known hydroponic system. The basic concept, similar to other methods, is a plant placed in a tray receiving nutrient-rich water from a reservoir below, using gravity to return the water to the reservoir to later be reused. This method is done using a submerged pump that it connected to a timer that goes off several times a day, corresponding to the type of plant.


Aeroponics is a sophisticated system that includes growing fruits and vegetables in a mist controlled environment. In its simplest form, seeds are planted in foam or rock-wool and then stuffed into tiny pots. It is then exposed to light on top and nutrient mist in the bottom with considerable amount of air in-between providing oxygen.


A drip system is an active, meaning it uses a pump to feed plants with nutrients and water consistently. Using individual pots for plants, this system uses small emmiters and a network of tubes to individually feed the plants the nutrient solution. This is done through a regular pump or a gravity-based system. You can control the flow of water to each plant, making it versatile. It is important to keep in mind that this system has to be regulated, often with a timer. If its uncontrolled, the system will flood the plants eventually drowning them.
