Farm Design & Planning

The Hydro-Brownstone was designed aiming to provide maximum use of spaces in New York. The Brownstones are a characteristic architecture of New York, they are present all around the city and different social classes inhabit this type of structures. As the architecture is generally characterized by long ceilings and windows, the space presents a lot of potential for vertical gardens.

This NFT desgin relies on those features and utilizes natural sunlight in a way that makes the maintanance of the system more affordable. NFT systems are great for vertical gardening as they can contain several rows and they can take little width. In this sense, the NFT system is perfect for the measurements of the window sill.

Item Name Price Per Unit Quantity Total Price
Vertical NFT Kit $140.97 1 $140.97
Peat Moss Cubes $37.97 1 $37.97
Air Stone/ Air Pump $8.99 1 $8.99
Seeds $5.99 1 $5.99
5 Gallons Container $49.99 1 $49.99
Seed Starter Kit $39.99 1 $39.99
GFCI $20.00 1 $20.00
Hacksaw $22.98 1 $22.98
Nutrient Solution $26.58 1 $26.58
PH Up/Down $19.33 1 $19.33
PH Meter $19.99 1 $19.99

Main Tasks

Check & Adjust PH
Check & Adjust EC

Checking and adjusting the PH and EC will allow the crops to thrive and prevent any perishment of the crops

Project Plan Week OneWeek TwoWeek ThreeWeek Four
Receive Materials
Measure and cut PVC
Start planting seeds in nursery
Take care of Electric harzards
Assemble PVC shelf
Drill roles in 3 inch PVC
Start setting plumbing
Assemble PVC Grow Beds
Assemble and test Plumbing
Mix in nutrients
Check Ph
Transplant seeds