Pia Thee Farmer

Hi, I am Pia!

I'm an artist, photographer, budding hydroponocist, an aspiring Cloud Computing Archetect, and a big fan of the natural world. I am fascinated with the interdependent relationship between human-beings and all other life form on Earth.

Recently, I began to explore my interest in agriculture and indoor farming with The Urban Wild. There, I spent 10 weeks learning about the integration of technology and agriculture to develope small-scale sustainable home farms. I was provided with a $500 budget to purchase the materials needed to create my own at-home farm system. As I learn from the trials and erros of this project, I aspire to gain the knowledge to then introduce to my family, friends, and community to hydroponic farming meathods. Holistic wellness is at the core of her guiding principles.

I believe that a better world is possible when we remember to keep dreaming!

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